Saturday, January 21, 2006

I am a felting genius

My new bag. Sure I could have bought a new one for the same amount of money ... well maybe not it only cost me $25 and 2 weeks of my life. But here it is in all it's glory.

The original plan was to do it in black with blue stripes but dear hubby thought the color combination was too dark and convinced me to go with a blue plus another color. So I made my way over to the Wool Mill on Danforth and the lady there showed me the cranberry which she thought would go very well with the blue. When I got it home, I fell so in love with the color that I just used it throughout and voila. I love it so much.


Blogger Linz said...

Oh, it is stunning!!!!!
Fantastic work!!! I love it!

9:16 AM  

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